It is almost that time again. The time where we create lists of things we want to work on in the new year, where we look at all we have accomplished, and maybe didn’t accomplish in the last 365 days since we last wrote a list of resolutions. As 2022 is coming to a close and people begin to think about their aspirations and goals for the new year, we began thinking about a new way to go about “New Year’s Resolutions” because let’s be honest- how often do we actually remember to keep our resolutions?
Make it Simple: Stick to ONE Goal
It can be super overwhelming to try and juggle multiple commitments all at once. Of course, we all have a list of things we would like to accomplish during the year, but between everyday life stressors and time–things that we “want” quickly get pushed to the back burner.
The Stick to ONE Goal aims to form a good habit by deviating focus from multiple new objectives to one important goal. The best way to make something a consistent part of your life is to make it a habit. Instead of making a long list of resolutions only to forget them and move on, setting one goal and sticking to it can lead to a whole lot of benefits, even more so than was expected.
Make your Goal a Habit
The best way to make something a consistent part of your life is to make it a habit. Forming a habit takes time, and can be difficult to get the hang of. So, we have put together some tips and tricks that may help you accomplish the Stick to ONE mindset.
1. Choose a Goal you Want to Maintain for the Long-Haul: Achieving your goals can be one of the most validating things you can accomplish, but also one of the hardest. Choose something you are passionate about and something that you know will benefit you for the duration of your life. Here are some examples of goals we want to implement using the one degree shift:
- Getting at least 8 hours of sleep every night
- Consistently exercising 4-6 times a week
- Read a new book every month
- Wake up by 8am on the week-days
- Create a healthy night time routine to prepare for bed and the day ahead
- Finish a certification or class that you have always wanted or that you think will have a positive impact on your life or career
- Try a new food or a new recipe every week to create a more nutritious and healthy palette.

2.Make a Year-Long Plan: Map it out! For some, this could include putting yourself on a new schedule, creating a mood board, building connections. Regardless of what your ONE goal is, visualize it. What does it look like to you? Then, slowly start implementing small goals that will help you achieve it! Give yourself an appropriate timeline to reach your goal. Remember, nothing big happens overnight, good things take time. Be patient and consistent with yourself!
3.Switch Your Mindset: Your mind plays a critical role when it comes to your personal growth and success. Keeping a positive mindset and outlook is important. Regardless of what your goal is, celebrate your wins! Be proud of yourself for progressing and chipping away at your goal. It is easy to get discouraged about lack of immediate results, busy schedules, or insecurities–just remember that these negative thoughts are only temporary. You can and will push through. Always remember the light at the end of the tunnel and how you will feel looking back at all that you’ve accomplished during this time next year!
Need some inspiration? ZYN is a drink sure to put you on the path for success, by amplifying the benefits of turmeric (15 whole roots). Research has shown that turmeric can help boost immunity, reduce inflammation, and promote recovery, making it the delicious, easy, shakable superhero to give you that extra boost!
4. Set Realistic Standards for your Goal: The idea of Stick to ONE is about prioritizing something important so that it can be achieved. Making unreachable standards for yourself within your goal will take you two steps back. Expecting yourself to accomplish too many things in just a year can prove to be overwhelming and result in giving up all together because of frustrations with the process. If you are someone who likes to see progress consistently, try setting mini-goals along the way! This way, you can keep track of your progress and see yourself grow each month while working towards the overall goal.
5. Allow Yourself to Fail: When accomplishing a goal, especially over a long period of time, it is unrealistic to believe you won’t falter once in a while, but more so to believe that you can’t. The idea of the Stick to ONE and any habit formation is not to be perfect. Accepting and welcoming the potential for failing will help put you in the mind-set not to give up, and actually learn more about yourself and your goal.

6.Patience is Key: According to theEuropean Journal of Social Psychology, habits can take anywhere from 18-254 days to form. Recognizing this from the start can help you to understand the longevity of the process and not lose hope if it takes longer than expected.
7. Let Others Help You Along the Way: Having people in your life that support you and your goal can be very influential in keeping you motivated and stay accountable. Not only can they offer encouragement and push you to be the best you, but also be there for when it may become challenging.
Prioritize yourself by utilizing the Stick to ONE in 2023. Ditching the old resolutions lists to focus on a specific goal can prove to be a life-changing endeavor and make a real difference in how you grow over the next year.
To learn more about ZYN drinks and follow how we keep up with our one degree shift this coming year, click here!